Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Are You Kidding Me !!!

October 19, 2009
Today we got the results from this weekend’s college football pool. Stacy (who is known as Clueless in the pool due to the lack of football knowledge of any kind) SLAUTERED Tami and I for the 6th week in a row. Now she is in the top ten out of almost three hundred real football fans! Of course I am still way ahead of Tami, which is all that really matters :) But this is absolutely insane.
We put Stacey in the pool as kind of a joke. I thought that it would give us something to talk about while we were working. Last week I wanted to see how she was making her picks because it just didn’t make any sense that she was doing so well. So when it was time to pick her teams for this week, I went up front and asked if I could do it with her. She shyly looked at Tami and whispered in Tami’s ear. I asked what was up…I just want to see how you pick your teams. Tami started to laugh and said that Stacey didn’t want to pick with me helping because she didn’t want me to copy her picks!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME !!! What an insult !!!
I take great pride in reading all the stats and really deliberate over my picks. Stacey only watches a football game if it is playing in the sports bar while she is out and about. Even then, she will always ask what color the team is wearing so she can at least root for her pick. But she is killing all of us in the pool. So I pressed the issue. Tami handed me the list of games and I started giving the teams with the point spreads.
Stacey looked at me really funny and Tami stopped me and said, “You don’t understand. Stacey doesn’t care who is playing whom or even understand what a point spread is…she just wants you to name all the teams randomly!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME !!! So I started randomly calling out names and Stacey would stop me every so often and say, “Minnesota and Navy”. I asked why and she said, “I don’t know…the winners just come to me as she points to the air.” ARE YOU KIDDING ME !!! I was sure that I was going to beat her this week. Especially considering her method. So …I have decided to throw all stats in the trash and pick teams out of a hat filled with all the teams names and see if this week I can come close…LOL UNBELIEVABLE !!!


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